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Terms and Conditions

Manytones Music has prepared these terms and conditions for the benefit of all parties. If you do not understand any part of these terms, please give us a call or seek legal advice before agreeing to them.

Upon confirmation of a booking (in accordance with clause 2.1 below), Manytones Music will issue these terms and conditions and the Giggio online client contract for electronic signature and this must be returned within 3 working days. A copy of this Contract will also be e-signed and retained by Manytones Music. Any booking - WHETHER CONFIRMED ELECTRONICALLY OR IN WRITING -  will be a legally binding contract subject to the following non-negotiable terms and conditions of booking.

1. Introduction  

1.1 This booking contract is negotiated by Manytones Music and is made between the Client and Manytones Music.  

1.2 All terms used in the booking confirmation contract are legally binding.    

2. Confirming the booking 

2.1 All bookings take effect immediately upon acceptance of the booking by BOTH the Client and Manytones Music (electronically or in writing.)  

2.2 Manytones Music will store the Contract for safe keeping (copies of which will be readily available on request).    

3. Changes to contract 

3.1 The agreed Total Cost may be subject to change if any details of the Contract are altered (by agreement with both the Client and Manytones Music)  

3.2 All changes to the Contract must be arranged and agreed by Manytones Music and the client in advance of the Event Date.    

4. Payment of fees 

4.1 The Total Cost is inclusive of VAT and reasonable expenses (including but not being limited to the reasonable travel time and cost).  

4.2 The agreed Deposit is due strictly within 5 working days of the invoice being sent. Deposits can be paid by debit/credit card or BACS transfer (details for payment are sent out along with the deposit invoice).  The Deposit is non-refundable.

 4.3 The final balance (Total cost less deposit paid) is due no later than one month before the contracted performance date via bank transfer. This fee is not transferred to any performing parties until after the performance.  

4.4 If any fee which the Client is due to pay prior to the Event Date, has not been received at least 5 working days before the Event Date, the band has the right to terminate this Contract without penalty. The Client will forfeit any other fees paid previously and remain liable for any cancellation fees due (see clause 5 below).  

5. Cancellations by the Client  

5.1 The Client shall have the right to terminate this Contract only in the case of a Force Majeure Event (as defined by clause 11 below,) provided that the Client informs Manytones Music as soon as reasonably practicable on becoming aware of the Force Majeure Event. It is the Client's responsibility to ensure that Manytones Music receives and acknowledges their cancellation request. 

5.2 If the Client does not cancel a Contract in accordance with clause 5.1 or for any reason other than a Force Majeure Event the Client shall be liable to pay a cancellation fee, in addition to loss of the Deposit. This is calculated as follows:  

5.2.1 You may cancel this booking without penalty within 48 hours after confirming the booking, as long as the event date is more than 7 days in the future.  

Otherwise, the following fees will be due: 

Cancellation up to 90 days before Event: 50% of Balance 

Cancellation up to 61 days before Event: 75% of Balance 

Cancellation 60 days before Event: 100% of Balance  

5.4 All cancellation fees shall be paid to Manytones Music within 14 days of the Event Date.  

5.6 It is the Client's responsibility to ensure that their venue (at the Event Address,) can accommodate the Artist. Non-performance of this Contract by Artist due to venue restrictions shall result in the Client being liable to pay the Total Costs.

5.7 Cancellation of any part of the contract (for example removing optional extras, cancelling daytime entertainment, reducing band size,) are subject to the terms and conditions stipulated in points 5.1 through 5.6 above.

6. Late payment of deposit  

6.1 Failure by the Client to pay the Deposit within the terms specified will be deemed to be termination of the Contract by the Client and subsequent cancellation of engagement.   

7. Delayed event schedules and late finish fees 

 7.1 If due to the late running of, or alterations to the Event schedule (which is no fault of Manytones Music,) the band is not able to perform their full performance time within the schedule outlined in this contract, there will be no reduction in the total fee.  

7.2 If the Event runs late and the Band is asked to finish later than the finish time in the booking contract, then 25% of the total balance due per ½ hour over run, payable on the Event Date by the Client in cash or bank transfer shall become due as a late finish fee.  

7.3 Manytones Music has the right to refuse to finish later than the contracted finish time without penalty. 

8. Expenses  

8.1 If the Contract includes a schedule containing the Bands requirements for food, accommodation, dressing rooms, technical specifications etc, then the Client shall meet such requirements at its own expense.  

9. Sound limiters & volume  

9.1 The adjustment of the volume and sound level of any equipment shall be as the Client reasonably requires should the Client request such an adjustment.  

9.2 The Manytones cannot guarantee the quality of its performance should the volume be reduced below the level of any unamplified drum kit and/or backline instruments. 

9.3 The Manytones cannot be held responsible for non-performance in circumstances where a sound limiter is set so low that live music performance is not possible.    

10. Artist equipment 

It is agreed by the Client and the Band that the equipment and instruments of Manytones Music are not available for use by other performers or persons without written consent.    

11. Force Majeure Event 

A "Force Majeure Event" occurs where a party are unable to comply with its obligations under this Contract for a reason outside of its control (such as war, fire, death, illness or other incapacity certified by a properly qualified medical practitioner, epidemic, accident, civil commotion, national calamity, order of Government or Local Authority having jurisdiction in the matter, changes in law, foreign government policy, act of God) and which is not attributable to any act or failure to take preventive action by Manytones Music or Client.

12. International Touring and Session Commitments

International festival and touring commitments may occasionally result in the replacement of a member of the lineup. Any replacements utilised for the band are of equal quality and any changes in the lineup will in no way affect the standard or content of the performance.

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